Founded in 1917 by St. Maxilmilian Kolbe, the MI is a worldwide public association of the faithful that encourages Marian Consecration as a means of personal holiness with the mission of bringing the world to Christ.
There are over 3 million M.I. members worldwide, and we have over 30,000 in the USA.
You may enroll in the M.I. after you have consecrated yourself to the Immaculata so that she may use you as her instrument in evangelizing the world.
Members of the M.I. carry or wear the Miraculous Medal as a sign of their consecration and a means for evangelization.
The MI is under spiritual direction of the Conventual Franciscan Friars.
The national headquarters of the M.I. is located at P.O. Box 7645, Libertyville, IL 60048
Tel. 331-223-5564
M.I. website
M.I. Facebook
There are over 3 million M.I. members worldwide, and we have over 30,000 in the USA.
You may enroll in the M.I. after you have consecrated yourself to the Immaculata so that she may use you as her instrument in evangelizing the world.
Members of the M.I. carry or wear the Miraculous Medal as a sign of their consecration and a means for evangelization.
The MI is under spiritual direction of the Conventual Franciscan Friars.
The national headquarters of the M.I. is located at P.O. Box 7645, Libertyville, IL 60048
Tel. 331-223-5564
M.I. website
M.I. Facebook